Finding yourself

At every point in time, look within, find yourself.

Monday 26 August 2019


I am not a Fast 'nd Vast Reader.
I admit 'nd sometimes grade it Grey.
And for a Principle beyond Principalities,
I Resent Sentiment.
Even if disguised as My Eternal Lover.

For Stanza 1 is why my review of of the book-
"The Illuminant (poems)" authored by 
Abdul Wahab Lawal (The Bestowed)
Should come Top;
Of all the Purest Acts I have ever  portrayed
Either; since I was born till now
Or; from now till I answer The Eternal Call.

For; The Illuminant has illuminated-
My Heart and Home that Shivers
My Mind  and Thought that Roams
My Fear and Doubt that Bites.
My Puzzling Question that Aches.
My Incomplete Answer that Scores Nil
My Mystical Escapades that Mystify Me.

All via the Virtuous Themes of-
God & Love.
Family & Religion.
Humanity & Goodwill.
Patience & Contentment.
Ephemerals & Eternity.

And Now that I see (and see better)-
I would be Doomed to not Find God.
I would be Empty to not Love (my woman)
I would be a Bastard to not regard Family.
I would be a Bigot to not tolerate Peace.
I would be Useless to not serve Humanity.
I would be Stingy to not spray Goodwill.
I would be a Puma to not Hop on Patience.
I would be an Ingrate to not show Contentment.
I would be Foolish to not leap beyond Ephemeral.
I would be Lost to not think of Eternity.

Why all this Harsh Words on Yourself Mr?
To answer Your Unspoken Thought-
I indulge You to Read; "The Illuminant"

For the Author; Abdul Wahab Lawal,
Though not the first to break poetic conventions. But I daresay, he is the first to Unconventionally beautify the flouted poetic conventions via a Small Pregnant but Flawless Run-on Lines that give birth to Imageries of Deep Messages and Cautions. Likewise, a Symbolic Imagery of Illumination is evident in the structural appeal of the wordings and Sun-like pictorial representation on every flipping page. What an Originality with Profound Origin!

The thematic arrangement of the poems on each page mostly without titles grace the book with an almighty TENACITY over SUSPENSE which I consider A lack in Modern Literature. But, a Huge Successful Feat for Abdul Wahab Lawal. It is Worth telling to say; I found it hard to not clinge on to "The Illuminant" not only until I was through reading it but until I got The Messages. For the expression of the Sage Poet is clear but the rest lies at the mercy of Deciphering Prowess of the Readers or Public to either Sip or Gulp the Inimitable Substance of the book beyond the Surface.
What A Success beyond Seasons!

However, the author intentionally indulged the readers' or public's Intellect, Understanding and Interpretation of his poems by leaving many of them Untitled.  My Favourites, among which I Subjectively titled are- Irony of Truth(page 44), Trance in Love(page 31), Ashabi and Kebbi(page 28), The Fragile Faith(page 25), God in All; Even in Animals & Nature(page 16). And lots more.
What a Strategic stir of Interpretation and Title Contest among the Readers!

"Personality" they say; "defends Art"
The author of 'The Illuminant' has proficiently affirmed it as he employed the use of deep indigenous Yoruba names such as Abefe, Akanké, Awelé, Abiké and Ashabi (my favourite) to placate and portray the depth of  his heart and message(s) about Platonic Love against  Lustful Love. With all sense of humor, I am slightly disappointed to not have an indigenous name like Àkànmú as A Persona.
Personally, it is not personal. For, the author best Understand my Feeble Disappointment.
Whether 'The Illuminant' is a Religious book or not. Abdul Wahab Lawal is a Firm Principled man, a Kind, a Tolerant, a Peaceful and of course; A Faithful Man of his Faith (evident in pages 8 and 82). What an Eternal Personality You Are!

Hence, in Your wise words I repeat to you back-

"A kind man is a Great Man.
A faithful one lives Beyond Eternity.
You are Both.
Thank you for who you Are."

Thank You for delivering Indeed;
A Timeless Offering in this Ephemeral Decadent Age! 
For the Love of Poetry
And the Substance of "The Illuminant"
I daresay-
It Has Found A Precious Place in my Heart.
Not for Supremacy Combat.
But in Realization-
God is Love! Love is God!
Love is Peaceful & Tolerant!


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