Finding yourself

At every point in time, look within, find yourself.

Saturday 14 December 2019

On Saying Yes, Wedding Chills, And The Marriage Itself by Haniyat Bakare

A day will come when you will stretch your hands to say "Yes" to that man. At that moment your entire being follows suit. It dawns on you that it is not an "I" thing anymore but a confirmed "we" (all things being equal). So when you say "the" yes, a silent acknowledgement settles in your subconscious that things will be different moving forwards. For you, for him. Moderation and alternations will begin to happen and the ecstacy that "you have a wedding to plan!" begins to set in 😄😳💃. Then marriage here we come.

On marriage, you might really want it, you might think you want it but you don't, and finally you truly might NEED it. Whichever category you fall into, know one thing. From that point onwards the only way to make it work is to know that, "I am here and I will make it work". It will take an effort on your part first then a culmination with your partner then you can say, "we will make it work". The process of marriage are like the days, sometimes good and otherwise. However, how you choose to view things and "react" not "respond o" determines how a particular situation will play out. May we have the patience and wisdom it takes to react appropriately.
So ladies and gentlemen, what is your take on marriage? Ladies, how do you feel from the moment you say YES and gentlemen what thoughts run through your mind when you propose and she accepts, till the wedding day? Kindly share, thanks. "

📷:Getty Images

#marriage #love #relationship #happiness #bliss #companionship #life #thehomeconsult #haniyatbakare #consult

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