Finding yourself

At every point in time, look within, find yourself.

Sunday 10 June 2018


The effects of social media in our lives, marriages and homes can never be overemphasized. In fact, social media is one of the main causes of divorce nowadays. 
We are now addicted to our phones. The phone is literally now our number one best friend. The phone could be helpful, aiding our day to day lives but it could also be extremely dangerous and could in turn, affect our relationship with people that are most important in our lives.

One way to balance one's use of social media is to first highlight ones use of it, that is, to know what we use it for. If it's not totally productive, then its use needs to be maximally reduced. 
Another crucial fact for married couples is to always be careful and watchful about who they chat with, and other things they give room for. Exchanging chats with people we don't really know and even people we know can go a long way to cause a dent to one's marriage. 
For parents, what your children post and do on social media should be your concern as this could be detrimental to their lives. At what age is it right for them to have cell phones? How do you enlighten them about morality and how well they should try as much as possible to shun illicit and obscene way of life. 
The effects of social media go a long way to help or mar our lives and marriages, but understanding the fact that real life trumps a contrived world - social media also goes a long way to making people have a balanced orientation about that which is most important - your family. 
#marriage #social #media #tool #TheHomeConsult #home #family #love #indept #analysis #savinghomes #happiness #achievement #motivation #inspiration

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