Finding yourself

At every point in time, look within, find yourself.

Wednesday 20 June 2018


One of the most important reasons we have so many broken homes is simply because people do not understand the basic concepts of love and marriage.
Love however defined is an emotion, a feeling, so, as such, it is essential to know that it'd go up and down however strong. Thus, married couples most times, take love to be the most important aspect of their marriage, that if they feel a love lag, they get uncomfortable and begin to search for what is not lost. To not love your husband or wife like at the beginning of your marriage is normal. It is simply the nature of man. Understand this and constantly work on pleasing each other. With time, the love would return. It is this stage most married couples fall out and in turn divorce, saying "I don't love my wife/husband again because of this and that, bla bla bla". If there are no big issues, this is normal, it just has to be understood.
Marriage on the other side is a marital adventure by two individuals, so, as such, there is a need for a marriage plan. The lack of a proper marriage plan is like building a house on a shady foundation, it'd one day collapse. Marriage plan is needed to properly gauge the individual's wants, needs and personality and to properly assess the future foresight of the people planning to get married. If their plan isn't aligning, and they see they can't compromise, they'd better let things go while it hurts less.  At times, people overlook some things saying they'd work it out after marriage, saying he or she will change. Most times, things don't really change. Especially people's character or personality.

Thus, the crux is, there is need for a proper assessment and practical foresight estimation before marriage. And there is also a need for proper understanding of concepts such as love and marriage for a blissful married life.

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